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It is important to remember that we are energy. Einstein told us that. And energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form.

~Rhonda Byrne~

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Interpreting Aura Colors Meaning

Auras contain many different colors, change colors constantly, and each shade affects the aura colors meaning. Your mood, what you’re doing and what you’re experiencing in life all determine the colors of your aura at any given time.

In New Age pop culture, there is a common misconception that aura colors meaning iss traightforward. Examples are:  red=passion, yellow=optimism and purple=spirituality. Make no mistake, colors do contain meaning. But attempts to create ‘cut and dried’ color codes greatly over-simplify the matter.


Within each color, there are many different shades and tones. Each unique shade communicates a different meaning. Take a simple example: the color red. A bright
shade of red which contains a lot of yellow reads very differently than a dark shade of red which contains alot of brown. Each of these tones would express something different about your aura. A trained clairvoyant reader can look at these shades of color and interpret their unique shades of meaning.

Another example...imagine youare going through color swatchesto pick the right tone of paint fora room. There are many subtle variations. Some you will like and some you won’t like. Even if theyare all tones within the same color, each can make you feel differently. Bottom line: different tones of the same color communicate different meanings.

The colors of your aura are also affected by the energies of other people. It is common to have other people’s colors in your aura. For example, if a mother wants her daughter to grow up to be a certain kind of woman, the mother may put her own shade of green energy into the daughter’s aura. In an
aura reading,a clairvoyant reader may see the daughter’s aura contains green and recognize this is not the daughter’s own energy. Having someone else’s energy in your aura like this can create many problems, including confusion, inner unrest and even health problems.

Your aura can contain any one of the million color variations in the universe. So it is a mistake to squeeze aura colors meaning down into a ‘cut and dried’ color code. There are, however, some general themes which can help guide the interpretation process. Keep in mind, aura colors meaning depends on the shades and also who the energy comes from. These are some rough guidelines for interpreting aura colors...

Aura Colors Meaning

RED: lifeforce, survival, raw passion, anger, frustration, menstruation, determination, sense of importance, feeling overwhelmed by change

ORANGE: sensuality, physical pleasure, emotional self-expression, creativity, lacking reason, lacking self-discipline, health, vitality

YELLOW: mental alertness, analytical thought, happiness, optimism, child-like, ego driven, thinking at expense of feeling

GREEN: healing, peace, nurturing, new growth, fear, need for security, jealousy and envy, balance

BLUE: verbal communication, freethinking, relating to structure and organization, emphasis on business, male energies, sadness, possibilities

PURPLE: wisdom, authoritative, female energies, matriarchal, sense of superiority, controlling, imagination, intuition

BROWN: grounding, down to earth, practical, male energies, invalidating, emphasizing body and denying spirit, feeling worth-less

BLACK: issues relating to death, hatred, lack of forgiveness, unresolved karma, dark intentions, shadow games, needing compassion for self

PINK: self-love, tenderness, female energies, gay energies, emphasis on physical appearances, being 'nice' at expense of being 'real'

WHITE (CLOUDY): New Age or religious energy, lacking consciousness, a cover-up, denial, being 'good' at expense of being 'whole'

WHITE (CLEAR LIGHT): very high spiritual vibration, godly, divine, inspiration, seeing spiritual big picture, compassionate

GOLD: high spiritual vibration, integrity, respect, freedom, clearseeing, integrating spirit and body, creating as spirit

Sensing Auras

If you are unable to see auras before practicing the tips outlined in this hub, do not fret -- try instead to sense the aura. You probably already do this all the time without even knowing it. Have you ever walked into your parent's bedroom after they had a fight? They may have put on a smile and acted like everything was okay for your benefit, but you could sense the tension in the room. Maybe the air was thick or your father was emitting a weird "vibe". Speaking of vibes, how many times have you left a party or declined an invitation because the vibe wasn't right? We have all probably used this term without even realizing the weight behind our words.

When you pick up on a bad vibe, you really are sensing the vibrational energy of the human environment, or aura. If you spend your time around a group of really depressed individuals, you will eventually start feeling down in the dumps yourself. Likewise, if you hang out with upbeat, positive, outgoing friends, your own attitude will change to match theirs. Atmospheres are contagious. If you were able to see aura colors, you'd notice that the depressed group would be surrounded by rings of brown, whereas the happier group would radiate with shades of yellow.

Seeing Auras

Turn off the lights and lie in bed or another area where you feel most relaxed. You don't want the room to be pitch-black, but you do want as little light as possible. In most cases, streetlights filtering in through the blinds or a nightlight shining in through a crack in the door should be sufficient.

Hold your hands straight out in front of you. Don't stare hard, just gaze gently. An aura is not always a bright light, usually it is more of a haze.

To understand the way you should be gazing, keep holding both hands in your line of sight, then focus your gaze on the bedroom wall in front of you. Your hands will be out of focus but still visible.

Extend your two pointer fingers and very slowly move your hands towards each other so your fingertips are almost touching (think Michelangelo's famous painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.) The aura will appear as lines of blue and red light between the two barely touching fingertips. Then, try it again with all ten fingertips barely touching.

Now slowly draw your hands apart, and you'll see slight streams of energy connecting each finger. Encourage your mind to visualize the energy increasing as you move your fingertips together and apart, back and forth. Bringing the fingers tantailizingly close together (but not quite touching) seems to increase and energize the auric flow.

Practice this technique whenever you can and you may discover, over time, that you are beginning to notice the same effects around people's heads. Although auras surround the entire body, they are brightest and most visible around the head. If you are fortunate to begin seeing full body auras, there are certain things you must know about the different colors. Aura colors are constantly changing depending on mood and location, but the band of color closest to the body is known as a Life Color, and is usually fixed. Here is a rough guideline of what the different aura colors indicate.

An aura is the energy field around all each matter that takes space (excluding air itself), whether that is a person, plant, animal, or an object. Each color represents a different aspect of that matter. Reading auras can be useful in determining whether you should confront a person at a certain time; what you can do to improve your present condition; tune you in to illnesses and conditions around you, and many other benefits. Every time you come into contact with someone, your aura reacts to theirs. If your aura's frequency is close to theirs, you will feel close to them quickly and drawn to them. If not, you may feel an instant dislike towards them.

Everything has an aura. We have been "trained" not to see them, but with a little practice many people can successfully see and read them.


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