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What Are Orbs?

Let's talk about "orbs". Orbs are energy. So many people ask about orbs and the validity of colored orbs as perhaps being dust, water drops, smudges on the camera, etc. We know that white is not a color, but the manifestation of all color - the complete energy of light. It stands for wholeness and completion and represents truth and openness. It can provide clarity as its energy is complete. It just makes plain sense that if you enhance or enlarge a white orb, the natural thing to see is the various colors of the spectrum contained in that particular orb.

Some orbs are a brilliant solid white, while others have a design, not fully filled in the center. Could this mean that the unfilled orbs are the newer transitioned spirits that have not yet moved on to a different frequency level yet and are still working on their spiritual development? In other words, old souls or perfected souls may be solid in color versus the newer soul which still has work to do in their growth period. There is more information below on this subject. I certainly don't have the answer, but it is a question to ponder on.

Although it is true that certain orbs are caused by dust, water, or light reflection, the best way to determine if they are real or not is to study them, interact with them, lighten, darken or change the contrast, and study the shape and the environment you are in while photographing. Shape alone cannot be used as the only tool as the lenses of various cameras are made different and can affect the shape.

Spirit orbs are normally a complete circle with a denser outline and often filled with texture, except when moving, while dust or other anomalies result in various shapes such as disfigured circles, squares, triangles, etc. Reflections caused by small bugs in flight typically cause unusual shapes and often are made up of different colors radiating above, along side of, or below the shape itself because of the flash causing a reflection.

Those orbs caused by water are very small as there are only two sizes. One is a sphere and the other like the top of a hamburger bun. The first is a smaller drop and the second is bigger and its shape changes as a result of an upward draft. Please read the "Scientific Study" page for tests done on raindrops.

One suggestion would be to never take just one photo of any scene you are trying to capture. If there is a smudge on your lens, then it should show up in all pictures. If you do not move, then any reflection off of a shiny object within the area or room should should also show up in the same photos. If an orb appears in one photo, but not the previous or prior one, then chances are you are getting a true spirit orb, as dust normally does not move as fast as you can flash a second or third picture, however, energy can. Although insects can fly fast, their shape will be different.

Be aware of your surroundings. Has someone just walked through the room where they may have caused dust to fly into the air, keeping in mind that in order for dust to be captured it must be either on the lens of the camera, or within a couple of inches from the lens? Is it summer and are there windows or doors open where dust or small insects could be in the room, or are you outside or in an old building? Typically, I try to take pictures from a sitting position so as not to set off any hidden dust, and not walking into the area where I want to take the picture. This is an important aspect as you can tell from the photos shown in Album #1, where I was sitting in a chair and you could see the energy moving across the various frames into different locations.

Orbs can appear white, from transulcent to dense, but are often found in a range of other colors. Most bugs and dust are not white, but are different colors and will show up that way. When you capture a bright white circular orb, chances are you have caught a spirit and not one of the other possibilities. Although most people get excited over capturing big orbs on camera, remember that the smaller dense orbs actually have more energy then the larger translucent ones.

Often you will hear people speak about orbs showing up at specific events such as around children, weddings, religious ceremonies, etc., but science is proving it is not the event BUT the frequency that is being sent out that is resonating with spirit energy.

By pointing your camera towards the sun you will always get some type of anomaly. One interesting fact is that 40 octaves above our hearing range, soundwaves (which are lower) will become light (which are higher in frequency). This has to make one wonder why so many sguiggles of various colors are seen at concerts when the people themselves are radiating a higher frequency themselves due to the occasion and the music.

Natural Orbs

Dust is the most common anomaly that will be photographed by the beginning ghost hunter. We have established a data base of over 1,000 photos of just environmental airborne anomalies, from grass, tree, grass pollens, to dust motes, to moisture droplets, to ice crystals, to rain and snowflakes. Just because an anomaly is spherical does not translate to paranormal. In my experience 99% of all orbs captured are non-paranormal. It is amazing how some groups consider the orbs as intelligent simply because it floats on gentle air currents and are captured with night vision mode camcorders. Perhaps if these groups would apply Occam’s Razor and look for the simplest explanation instead of the most complex, they might not jump to such hasty conclusions.

Ghost research is more than just snapping a few digital photos that capture an orb or multiple orbs and thinking that these orbs might be spirits. One of the best things that a new ghost hunter could do is take about 100 photos of dust, pollen, spores, rain droplets or other anomalies found in their location to establish a base line to compare later photos. A base line is important because a location might have unique anomalies, for example in Yuma, Arizona the anomalies are a fine sand that when the wind blows, is suspended in the air and will appear different than dust or pollen anomalies. Unfortunately, orbs captured with a lower resolution camera, such as 640x480, may not provide sufficient resolution between natural anomalies and spirit anomalies for analysis. Suspect photos should be compared to previous orbs captured with the same camera. It is so important to pay attention to the small details about the orb or orbs. Do not assume that every bright orb is a spirit orb. Bright orbs may be resulting because the anomaly was too close to the lens when the flash discharged.

There is a huge debate amongst the skeptics and the paranormal enthusiast. Can orbs be caught on camera or are orbs actually ghosts. There has been proof that orbs that show on pictures can be nothing more than dust, air borne pollen, or bugs.

The invention of the digital camera have really introduced this into the forefront. The flash has been found to have a reaction to dust, air borne pollen and even bugs. When the picture is analyzed they appear on the picture as orbs.

This has cause some real intense skepticism toward orb pictures, so much so, many large based and experience ghost hunting websites have now forbidden the submission of orb pictures. These website are looking for creditability in the paranormal realm, and if they chose to back these types of photos, their creditability is in danger.

Even though orbs are real, it is too tough to actual identify a true orb. Some believe that a true orb is one that gives off it's own energy, and will show as a large extreme ball of light, not the usual dim version of the dust orbs we come to know.

Some also believe that real orbs will have off color, such as bright orange, or reddish in color. Some believe true orbs will show on pictures with tails or trails attached to them. Some have also have reported of seeing an orb with there own eyes and not with a picture, now this can't be dust.

All of this leaves the question. How are any paranormal investigator ever going to prove that orbs are paranormal and orbs are real?



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